Author: Sakina Laksimi Morrow

Getting Started

Project Proposal: Essay Developer

Welcome to the essay developer, an exciting new tool for college students to develop an academic research essay from start to What this tool does: The Essay Developer takes students through a structured process of putting together a research essay. It guides students through each step of writing a research paper, from the initial brainstorming phase and gathering of sources to completing a full draft. It asks students to complete sequential tasks that culminate with a full research paper.


What this tool does not do: The Essay Developer does not intervene with the actual writing process. The tool cannot correct grammar or advise on content. It is simply an efficient and effective method of approaching the process of doing a research paper!


How the modules work: The process is divided into four parts, or modules, with several tasks in each module. The student must complete each task in each module in sequential order. The tasks are arranged around various phases in the essay, including generating ideas and literature around the research topic, defining and narrowing the scope of the topic, engaging with and arranging the main claim, supporting ideas and evidence, and finally, writing the paper in a cohesive and content-rich paragraphs.


The Essay Developer is not the only way of writing an academic research paper. In fact, the process of writing is diverse and personal. Nevertheless, this tool offers one way for students to  overcome the sense of being overwhelmed by the scope of the paper, and do small scaffolded chunks of the larger project. Each step is carefully designed to lead students through the path of least resistance.